Today (or yesterday, as of when this post will be published) I created a package to add event listeners to elements that are dynamically added to the body. So I created the dynamiceventlistener package (fancy name.. think it’ll catch on?)
It’s very simple to use. For my example page, I have it dynamically create buttons when a button is clicked, so you can see that each button has the listener registered to it when it’s dynamically added. The code is as simple as:
<button>Click Me</button>
addDynamicEventListener('button', 'click', function() {
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'Click Me';
The selector can be anything that document.querySelector
can handle, however if you use an id, class, or tag, the call is optimized.
Leave feedback below, I’m interested in different ways there are to solve this problem.